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Showing posts from August, 2021

Overboard! Review

You’re aboard a ship in the 1930s emigrating from Britain to the United States. Your husband has a gambling problem, is supporting the fascists in Germany and is having an affair with a younger woman. How can you get rid of him to start a brand-new life in the New World? Veronica Villensey decides to push him, as the title suggests, Overboard! Other murder mysteries task you with figuring out whodunnit, but Overboard! flips this idea on its head. How do you get away with murder? Playing the role of Veronica as she covers up her matricide is unique and fun. The game plays as a visual novel. You explore the ship, speak to other passengers to gain information. Veronica is the villain of the tale and everyone on board has a secret to hide. The old lady; she’s a gossip, the self-obsessed younger woman, the kind gentleman, secretly a pervert.  Characters may know key incriminating evidence relating to the murder, so it’s important to discover their flaws and how to manipulate them to your